Sunday, December 13, 2009

"christ maesse"

The christmas lights, children caroling, lanterns and christmas tree, these are the things which we see when christmas is coming. But what is the real essence of christmas and why do we celebrate this?
Christmas( December 25) is the day when our savior JESUS CHRIST was born. We are commemorating this to remember and worshipped him. For me, the real essence of christmas is sharing and giving. It is also when me and my family are all present and celebrating the christmas together. Eating noche buena, watching firework displays and having a good conversation. This is the day I really like because our love for each other becomes stronger and the bond between us is closer.
" Love is sacrifice.................You'll devote everything you have; devote everything for the sake of having something else in exchange for it; something else which is LOVE". This passage from a poem was brought to life by our Savior JESUS CHRIST...........

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